What is a faithful agenda now?

On February 1 at 12:30 p.m., the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University will offer an on-line dialogue titled Faith, Politics, and Policy in 2022: What Is a Faithful Agenda Now?
It will examine faith, politics, and policy in the larger Christian community in the United States. According to the website, this dialogue will explore questions such as:
-       How are religious values, voters, voices, and voters reflected in American politics and policy choices of 2022? How are people of faith and communities of faith part of the problem, and how are they part of a way forward?
-       How are religious communities seeking to shape policy decisions in the U.S. Congress and the White House? How do conflicts over abortion, voting, poverty, immigration, and religious freedom reflect impacts of faith in public life?
-       Can religious values and Catholic social principles provide alternatives to exhaustion, disillusionment, and constant combat? What would a faithful agenda look like for 2022?
-       What roles might religious values and voters play in the policy choices facing Congress, the politics of 2022, and midterm elections in November? In the Republican Party? In the Democratic Party?
-       For Christians in 2022, will faith shape our politics or will politics shape our faith?
The session is free. To register, click here. 


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