Ecumenical Advocacy Days proposals

Today is the fourth and final day of the 2001 virtual Ecumenical Advocacy Days, the time when participants contact their legislators to advocate for issues on which the event is focused. The theme of this year’s gathering is “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored.”

The website offers this perspective on the issues of concern:

As people of faith we call on Congress to act urgently and decisively on climate justice by addressing the intersection of climate change, economic justice, gender justice and racial equity:

* Enact infrastructure and energy legislation that will promote climate, economic, gender and racial justice to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and commit to net-zero climate pollution in electricity by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050.

* Provide funding for multilateral and bilateral environmental accounts for FY2022, including $2 billion for the Green Climate Fund, focusing on funding for the most impacted countries and communities, in many cases burdened by historic colonization and ongoing inequities.

Further details and other resources are available here. FYI, the 21-minute video provides an excellent summary of why these proposals are important.

Recordings of past gathers are available here.

Ecumenical Advocacy Days, which began in 2003, is a movement of the ecumenical Christian community, and its recognized partners and allies, “grounded in biblical witness and our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation. Our goal, through worship, theological reflection and opportunities for learning and witness, is to strengthen our Christian voice and to mobilize for advocacy on a wide variety of U.S. domestic and international policy issues.”



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